Hazardous Waste Handling, Collection & Safe Disposal
What are the types of Hazardous Waste?
There are many types of hazardous waste, however in general, they include:
- Asbestos
- Chemicals, such as brake fluid or print toner
- Batteries
- Solvents
- Pesticides
- Oils (except edible ones), such as car oil
- Equipment containing ozone depleting substances, like fridges
- Hazardous waste containers
Our Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal Service
For pretty obvious reasons, you need to be careful when dealing with waste which is potentially hazardous. In the first instance, please call one of our specialist hazardous waste team on 08009991500. We will ask you for details as we treat every case on its own merit. Sometimes it’s helpful to have photographs or video (if it’s safe to take) which can be sent to info@germsfreeltd.co.uk
There is a difference between hazardous and dangerous. Dangerous waste includes items such as munitions, radioactive material and the like. This is not hazardous waste and definitely needs specialist handling.
We have a team of fully trained, equipped and experienced hazardous waste specialists who we will send to your premises. It’s generally best that we speak before sending someone over so please call us first on 08009991500. We have access to all the necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) as well as having specialist handling equipment that can be used if necessary and the situation demands.
Our service includes assessment, collection, removal and disposal in a safe and effective manner. We offer one-off or regular collection of hazardous waste materials and are flexible to your needs.

Some Government Advice
Hazardous waste needs specialist handling. This excerpt from the Hazardous Waste Regulations (2005) might help with a definition:
4.—(1) In these Regulations—
“the List of Wastes Decision” means Commission Decision 2000/532/EC(1) of 3rd May 2000 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste pursuant to Article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste, as amended by amendments thereto which have effect from time to time in relation to England pursuant to the List of Wastes Regulations;“the List of Wastes Regulations” means the List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005(2); and “the List of Wastes” means the list of wastes set out in the List of Wastes Decision as it is from time to time set out in the List of Wastes Regulations, being the list referred to in the first indent of Article 1(4) of the Hazardous Waste Directive drawn up on the basis of Annexes I and II, having one or more of the properties listed in Annex III, taking account of the origin and composition of the waste and, where necessary, limit values of concentration.
(2) A reference in these Regulations in relation to any waste to—
(a) being “listed as a waste” and “listed as a hazardous waste” refers to that waste being listed as a waste, or as a hazardous waste, as the case may be, in the List of Wastes, provided, in the case of a waste to which a limit value of concentration applies, it shall only be considered to be listed as a hazardous waste where the relevant limit value of concentration is satisfied;
(b) being “not listed as hazardous” refers to that waste being not listed as a hazardous waste in the List of Wastes, whether or not it is listed as a waste, and whether or not it is otherwise a hazardous waste pursuant to these Regulations; and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly.
Did you understand that? You aren’t the only one who needs some assistance!
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- Site Survey
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- Quotation
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