Animal By-Product or Animal Waste Removal Services
As uncomfortable as it might be to discuss, there are vast quantities of animal by-products that arise and are created through multiple methods such as food manufacturing. Animal by-products include elements such as feathers, skin, entrails, offal, bones and the like.
There are unsurprisingly strict legal as well as ethical considerations that must be taken into account when dealing safely and effectively with the disposal of animal by-products.
Safe and Legal Collection and Disposal of Animal Waste
It stands to reason that you cannot simply throw animal waste in the bin. There are substantial health, storage, transport and other considerations that need to be taken into account when dealing with waste products emanating from animals. At the bottom of this page, we have reproduced the categories of animal waste for you as a handy reference.
Safety First!
The chances are that if you are dealing with animal waste on a regular basis then you will know that you need a reputable and reliable partner to help you carry out the safe and legal collection, transfer and disposal of animal by products. Please call us on The chances are that if you are dealing with animal waste on a regular basis then you will know that you need a reputable and reliable partner to help you carry out the safe and legal collection, transfer and disposal of animal by products. Please call us on 08009991500.
Our Animal By-Product Collection and Disposal Service
As will have been clear by now, you need to be very careful when dealing with animal by products (ABP) or animal waste. In the first instance, please call one of our specialists on 08009991500. We will ask you for details as we treat every case on its own merit. Sometimes it’s helpful to have photographs or video which can be sent to
It’s particularly important that we know as much as we possibly can when dealing with animal waste collection. We will need to equip our teams with PPE appropriate to the situation that they will have to face. Finally, we may well need to bring in storage drums or containers that can be secured and stabilised correctly on our vehicles for safe transportation.
Why Choose Us?
Having been operating for many years now, we know that we only ever make money when our customers are happy. We get significant amounts of referral business from previous happy customers and do everything we possibly can to delight our customers. Our services are fully guaranteed and we are never knowingly undersold.
We offer our services all across the whole of the UK. It doesn’t matter if you are in Almondsbury, Wigan or Bath, please get in touch on 08009991500 and we’ll be delighted to help you.
Current Government Guidelines and Classifications of Animal By-Products (ABP’s)
ABPs are animal carcasses, parts of animals, or other materials which come from animals but are not meant for humans to eat.
They can either be destroyed or can be used to make compost, biogas or other products.

ABP categories explained
ABPs are divided into 3 categories, based on the risks they pose.
Category 1 ABPs
Category 1 ABPs are classed as high risk.
They include:
- carcasses and all body parts of animals suspected of being infected with TSE (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy)
- carcasses of wild animals suspected of being infected with a disease that humans or animals could contract
- carcasses of animals used in experiments
- parts of animals that are contaminated due to illegal treatments
- international catering waste
- carcasses and body parts from zoo and circus animals or pets
- specified risk material (body parts that pose a particular disease risk, eg cows’ spinal cords)
Category 2 ABPs
Category 2 ABPs are classed as high risk.
They include:
- animals rejected from abattoirs due to having infectious diseases
- carcasses containing residues from authorised treatments
- unhatched poultry that has died in its shell
- carcasses of animals killed for disease control purposes
- carcasses of dead livestock
- manure
- digestive tract content
Category 3 ABPs
Category 3 ABPs are classed as low risk.
They include:
- carcasses or body parts passed fit for humans to eat, at a slaughterhouse
- products or foods of animal origin originally meant for human consumption but withdrawn for commercial reasons, not because it’s unfit to eat
- domestic catering waste
- shells from shellfish with soft tissue
- eggs, egg by-products, hatchery by-products and eggshells
- aquatic animals, aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates
- hides and skins from slaughterhouses
- animal hides, skins, hooves, feathers, wool, horns, and hair that had no signs of infectious disease at death
- processed animal proteins (PAP)
- PAP are animal proteins processed from any category 3 ABP except:
- milk, colostrum or products derived from them
- eggs and egg products, including eggshells
- gelatine
- collagen
- hydrolysed proteins
- dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin
- blood products (although any processed blood would still be subject to this guide)
Note: Information correct as of April 1st 2022
As Easy As...
- Enquire
Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and see what we can do to help you.
- Site Survey
We will come out and assess the site to see what's required to complete the job.
- Quotation
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.
- Completion
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.